Join us for a leisurely stroll around the town, stopping to point out the many hisorical places & facts that Worthing is famous for.
Famous musicians , prolific authors , controversial playwright and unwelcome marchers. Hear Worthings fascinating history on this walk.
We will be taking a leisurely stroll around the town with Bob Smytherman who is a former Councillor and Mayor of Worthing. He will be stopping to point out the many historical places & facts that Worthing is famous for.
Finishing with wine or non-alcoholic drinks. Donations welcome.
We will start & finish at CREW. Meet from 6pm ready for a prompt start at 6-30pm
There are 3 different rates for tickets – please choose the one you can afford. Please note that thisevent is being held as a fundraiser for CREW. The money raised will help us cover the costs of running events at our centre and also enable us to be able to hold future events. So if you can afford to buy a more expensive ticket, this will help us to continue to fund the centre.
CREW is a voluntary non-profit charity, and we are passionate about ensuring our climate centre continues to stay open for all of us who are striving for a better and more sustainable future.
Thank you.