Interweaving Spaces is an installation by the award winning artist Gil Mualem-Doron. The exhibition addresses biodiversity, cultural diversity and the disastrous effects of global warming, and climate change. It includes a large-scale immersive room installation that features textile works simulating kelp forests as well as sound, film and photography.
One of the installations’ films ‘Code Red! Code Red!‘, created in collaboration with the dancer and choreographer Lya Abdou Issa, includes a sound piece sampling the inspirational speech by Barbados prime minister Mia Mottley at COP26.
The other film ‘The Calling’ with the performer Dimitris Galanakis is filmed underwater, in a sunken ship, and it is a muse about the mythological Sirens and the revenge of nature.
Look out for details about the artist’s talk, workshops and live performances.
Instagram: @Gil_Mualem_Doron
Website: www.gmdart.com
All Worthing Museum and Gallery’s Exhibitions are free.