Frequently Asked Questions
What is the festival?
Worthing Festival is the first of its kind in our area and has been instigated as a result of a number of community conversations asking for more visibility of the array of individuals, organisations and venues that exist across Worthing. The philosophy of ‘together we are better and more diverse’ is the key component that is driving the festival.
Is the festival themed?
Currently, the festival has deliberately not been ‘themed’ as we believe that all genres and organisations should have the opportunity to participate. A ‘theme’ may be defined once all the events have been collated and this will be co-produced with those venues, organisers, individuals and organisations that are looking to participate.
Where is the festival?
This will take place across multiple venues across Worthing, and we’re hoping for a nice blend of town centre and neighbourhood venues. Equally, whilst not a necessity, we’re also hoping for a balance of indoor and outdoor venues.
When is it?
The Festival will take place between Saturday 10th June – Sunday 18th June 2023. These dates have specifically been identified to coincide with a number of existing events, and to not disrupt other festivals later in the year.
Who owns it?
This is a pilot / development year, however the intention is for the festival to be ‘owned by the community, delivered by the community’. The events / activities taking place across the week will be delivered by a range of venues, stakeholders and individuals which, combined, will make up the broader festival.
Who is responsible for its successful delivery?
All participating venues and organisations, along with the Council, will have the overall responsibility to ensure it’s a success.
What is the Council’s role?
Worthing Borough Council will act as the central ‘agency’ to coordinate the festival and provide the necessary marketing and communication infrastructure to enable the festival to have a solid foundation. All other components, such as ticketing, venue hire, event insurance, licensing will be the responsibility of the participating venues / organisers.
What is your role?
To provide an event/s to help build an interesting and diverse programme for the Festival. It’s anticipated that you will continue to deliver your event/s as per normal with the added boost of a festival marketing campaign from the Council (which will include marketing assets and infrastructure).
What would success look like?
For 2023 the festival will be a success by having a range of stakeholders providing a range of events, that those events are well attended and all parties (venues, organisers, attendees, the Council) would like the festival to run the following year.
Any questions?
We are keen for this to be a co-owned and shared festival from those participating, therefore we welcome any feedback that will help shape and / or improve the delivery of the festival in June. Please contact us on (this account is being managed by the Council’s Place & Economy Service).