Come to our appeal with any unwanted, working IT equipment, that we data-wipe, refurbish and then Donate to children and young carers, hospice patients, bereaved children, homeless shelters and many more.
Unit 2 (former Halfords), Dowlands Business Park, Upper Brighton Road, Worthing BN14 9LA
Monday 21st February 2022- 12:00-17:00
Tuesday 22nd February 2022 – 08:30-13:30
We invite you to visit our Appeal and Charity Exhibition where we will also be donating free laptops to local young carers, charities and volunteers to help support the brilliant work they do.
You can meet the WEEE Directive, common compliance and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility targets) with a green, free solution for IT disposal by donating your working end of life IT to Computers 4 Charity, a UK registered charity.
We accept working, redundant PCs, laptops and associated IT hardware, with a free collection service for business donations of 10 PC’s or more.
All memory devices are securely data-wiped to MOD standards. We operate a 0% to landfill policy with usable donations going to UK charities, particularly those which benefit hospices, homelessness, unemployed veterans, bereaved forces children, young carers, volunteers, computers for UK schools and schools in Africa.