Hinterland; in between somewhere, the mark of that moment, the edge of memory.
Hinterland is Wendy Palmer’s first solo exhibition, exploring the memory of place, the fleeting images that stay. Expanding the concept of hinterland to describe not just the physical landscape but also the lived landscape we carry at the edge of our lives, stored as vivid snapshots from the past, taking us back to a recurring memory of time and place.
The work in the Show represents the many areas of creativity that rotate through Wendy’s life. Hinterland is a celebration of bold images, colour, and mark making on canvas, board, fabric and in clay, playing with scale and materials, sight and sound, taking you to another place.
Wendy has been creative all her life, from earliest memories of drawing and crafting, to studying Textiles at art college and then working in design. Over the years she has taken part in various group Art Shows and events entering different forms of artwork. This is the first time the various parts of Wendy’s creative practice have been brought together in one space.
This exhibition will span the week of Worthing Artists Open Houses, alongside the events organised by Colonnade House, Wendy will also have creative projects happening during her Show, updates to follow.