A lively indoor/outdoor event with a bustling atmosphere, incredible live music by saxophonist ‘Alice on Sax’, and bubbly and snacks on arrival.
5 brand new pieces of Two Faced Twins Artwork will be revealed at 7:10pm (2x Worthing scenes, 2x Brighton scenes, 1x London scene). The twins will unveil each artwork one by one and recount how each piece was created.
New homeware designs. The twins will be launching their latest homeware designs on the night, providing an exclusive first look at the new range.
Print signing. As a thank you for your support, attendees who have purchased TFT artwork in the past – or who purchase an artwork at the event – will receive a very special gift: a mini-print of the original sketchbook drawing of one of the new artworks, before the colour was added. Your mini-print will be hand-signed by the twins on the evening.
The history of Two Faced Twins. A timeline of TFT milestones will be dotted around the gallery, giving an inspiring insight into the twins’ journey to becoming established artists.
Poke your head in for a quick nosey around or stay for the entire event, it’s completely up to you.