Following the fantastically successful evening we had for Trafalgar Day, we are delighted to see the return of Chris Hare to celebrate Sussex Day on Friday 16th June.
Did you know that Sussex once was a kingdom? For some three hundred years a King of Sussex not only ruled, but spread his dominions to include the Meon Valley in Wessex (now Hampshire) and the Isle of Wight?
In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Sussex smugglers were notorious for their audacious landings of contraband and their battles with the Coastguard. In the nineteenth century the anarchic spirit was abroad on November 5th, Bonfire Night, and in the excesses of the notorious ‘Skeleton Army.’
This Sussex Day, you can celebrate the county that ‘wun’t be druv’ by listening to historian, Chris Hare recall the daring-do of days gone by. The talk begins at 12 noon and will be followed by a two-course lunch. All for £30.
Book your place and your chosen meal by contacting Reception at The Ardington Hotel, Steyne Gardens, 01903-230451. Menu details and information at www.indigorestaurant.info