Yarrr! The Captain’s Beard be a company o’ travelin’ troubadors on a quest te bring the finest o’ sea shantys and forebitters to the ears of all who’ll listen. We play songs of the grog, grot and grime that comes o’ travelling the high seas. Fer all who enjoy the pirates life let us be yer soundtrack!
Stadium anthems, power ballads, and timeless classics, performed with all the fun, passion and warmth of the most influential musical decade in history. Music to sing, shout, dance, head-bang and air guitar to.
Iron Tyger‘s national reputation for quality entertainment has been built on over a decade of success, delivering iconic shows at Weddings, Birthday parties, Engagement parties, Festivals, Corporate Events, Product Launches.
Ask us for testimonials, references & recommendations from hundreds of delighted customers from around the United Kingdom.