An exhibition of paintings, mixed media and textile art.
Little things can leave a lasting impression; a memory of a surface, an impression or an imprint, a mix of colours.
Ros Lymer uses colour, shape and texture to create balance and harmony, continuously layering media and marks to create a rich, dense surface. Working with paint, collage, print and textiles, Ros works in her home studio in Brighton.
Ros’s paintings often relate to observed and imagined shapes and forms around her in the landscape, or to objects found in woods or by the sea; shells, stones, roots, or shadows and gaps. Lines of fenceposts, stubbly marks of cut crops or cracks in cliff faces and walls have all provided inspiration. At times her works are completely abstract, using colour, shape and texture to create structure and expression. In some works, Ros included a collage ground to provide texture, or the hint of an obscured image.
In her textiles work, Ros examines textures, colours and surfaces which she encounters in everyday life. She is interested in captured moments in fragments of fabric, repeated marks, boxes of old photos and discarded objects. Strips of colour and texture, with overlayed stitched marks echo her approach to painting and mixed media. Ros loves the process of collecting and re-using, both recreating remembered impressions, and creating imagined histories or stories.