Join us for our annual plant and bake sale to support our veterans’ vital care services.
What can I expect?
We will have a vibrant array of potted flowers and plants to brighten up your garden and home at brilliant prices. There will also be a delicious selection of homemade cakes to tempt the tastebuds!
What makes this plant and bake sale special?
Our resident veterans will be selling plants that they have seeded and grown themselves from our greenhouse alongside cakes they’ve baked in the rehabilitation kitchen in our Wellbeing Hub.
Where, when and what time?
The sale will take place in the Care for Veterans’ visitors’ car park, Gifford House, Boundary Road, Worthing on Friday 26th May from 2pm until 5pm.
Can I help?
All donations of plants & baked goods for this sale would be gratefully received.
To donate or volunteer on the day, please contact Myra at myra.jasper@careforveterans.org.uk or call 01903 218444.