In the speech he gave on receiving his Nobel Prize for Literature, the novelist Kazuo Ishiguro said that when writing he was one person saying to another
“This is the way it feels to me. Can you understand what I”m saying? Does it also feel this way to you?”
This still strikes me as such a good stand point for me as an artist and continued to roost in my thoughts during the second year of the Pandemic.
The works selected for the exhibition were raised with these thoughts in mind ….
With the support of Frazzle Café started by Ruby Wax I continue on a journey of mindfulness practice that helps me manage the repeated circular thought patterns that are best described as ‘frazzle’.
To quote Dan Siegal:
‘Focused attention helps us see the internal workings of our own minds – to become aware of our mental processes without being swept away by them – to redirect our thoughts and feelings rather than be driven by them.’
I work at it.
I am befriending my Frazzles by making what so far is 50 plus pieces. The frazzle thoughts they reflect are an essential part of who I am, and in reflecting on them I can acknowledge myself. There is a transaction in the forming, completing, presenting and finally receiving of the works that creates a whole.
I often post these on my Instagram account: @Nora.Young.
I am happy to converse about this essential part of being human.
Open Tuesday – Sunday (Closed Monday)