‘All About Life’ is an exhibition by Nora Young putting a spotlight on her figurative work.
Words to describe the experience of a life drawing session for an artist are inadequate.
The quiet, the focus, the stillness, the out of body experience of assembling the marks, textures, tones, shades that represent what is directly in front of you – often in one session there is an unspoken conversation that happens between the model and artist. And the final work joins that conversation too. Sometimes all this happens in two minutes – mostly it takes longer.
In this exhibition, you will see the results of this process, directly in front of you. And maybe the artist will be there too, who will be happy to continue this conversation with you – for two minutes or however long it takes. With marks too.
Also, for the final weekend in Gallery One;
An immersive photographic experience; ‘Faces’.
Modern day pilgrims – a photographic presentation on screen.
‘Curiosity does, no less than devotion, pilgrims make.’
Abraham Crowley