Biweekly youth climate sessions – a collaboration with CREW & the EYE (Eco Young & Engaged) Project to empower young people to take action.
Feel empowered to take action on climate change & sustainable living!
A collaboration between our charity Climate Resilience Centre Worthing – CREW & the EYE (Eco, Young and Engaged) project.
Trips, Games, Competitions, Speakers, Certificates, Art, Crafts, Film Screening, Quizzes, Pizza nights, Free Food!
Tuesdays 5pm – 6.30pm
Dates this term:
Tuesday 16th & 30th April
Tuesday 14th May
Tuesday 4th & 18th June
Tuesday 2nd & 16th July
The bi weekly sessions form part of CREW’s NEXT GENERATION YouthProject which also offers outreach and activities for local youth clubs ad groups.
Individually & collectively we can make the changes needed for a beter future fo all.