This talk is being held by Basic Income Worthing – it is an informal and informative discussion around the topic of a universal basic Income (an unconditional and universal regular cash payment), and how it could give everyone the freedom to build the life they want.
The cost-of-living crisis has highlighted the fact that thousands of people in the UK do not have enough money to live on.
A cross-community group of local activists has formed “UBI Worthing UK”, to explore what a pilot would look like and how it could be implemented in the town. They would like to connect with other individuals, community groups and political parties to promote the idea to local and national government.
This is a continuation of a series of public meetings, all are welcome to come along, hear about the project and join in the discussion.
CREW are a voluntary non-profit charity and we are passionate about ensuring our climate centre continues to stay open for all of us who are striving for a better and more sustainable future. Please consider making a donation to help us cover the costs of running events at our centre.
Thank you.