Chris is a postman from Crawley in Sussex and has been for the whole of his working life, well apart from the first two years when he was a telegram boy.
Most of his spare time is taken up studying and photographing wildlife and all things connected to it.
He has been a volunteer at the RSPB Pulborough Brooks reserve and this work covered a whole spectrum of things such as fencing ,bird surveys, assisting with guided events and working with the cattle (which was a secret passion).
He keeps a keen eye on conservation and rewilding issues and loves to read about new ideas and initiatives to help preserve and hopefully increase wild areas in this country and abroad.
His wildlife photography is something he loves to do and takes his camera and binoculars with him at every possible opportunity. Chris has also travelled extensively and he has been very lucky to have been to various African countries, Australia and the Caribbean. The Scottish highlands and Skomer (off of the Pembrokeshire coast in Wales) are just a couple of the places he has visited this year and he will be returning to Botswana this winter. There’s a good chance he will find himself in Norfolk during the summer as it’s one of his favourite places.
He has exhibited his photos at various galleries, reserves and shows locally and also further afield and always loves to chat to customers and friends about anything wildlife related .
As well as galleries and exhibitions he uses social media in the form of Facebook and Instagram as well as his website to hopefully make people aware of what wildlife is around and if he makes someone somewhere smile for a bit, in his eyes it’s worthwhile.
You can find more of Chris’ work on his Instagram here.