Lancing’s service of Blessing the Boats will return to Beach Green on Sunday 5 June at 2.30 pm after a two-year hiatus caused by the global pandemic.
St Michael and All Angels Church have been organising the service for nearly thirty years. Originally an event that celebrated the historic Lancing fishing community, the service now recognises the different leisure pursuits which involve the sea and the Lancing community. The origin of the Blessing of Boats goes back to biblical days when many of the first followers of Jesus Christ were fishermen by trade.
This year the event will also form part of Lancing’s celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.
The service will be conducted by Father Felix Smith, Vicar of St Michael’s who said “We’re really looking forward to the return of Blessing the Boats. It is great that as a church we are able to offer this opportunity to come together as a community and celebrate this special place in which we live, especially in this special jubilee year. I’m looking forward to blessing as much as possible so we want to include everything that is used by people who use the sea so boats, kayaks, oars, sailing equipment, anchors, kites and boards are all welcome to be blessed. The more the merrier!”
The boats will be blessed during the service, which will consist of hymns, prayers and a scripture reading. Each boat will then be sprinkled with Holy Water and a short prayer said for the safety of its users.
The afternoon’s service will conclude with a concert by the Sir Robert Woodard Academy steel band after which Cream teas will be served in St Michael’s Church Hall, South Street, Lancing.
If the weather is wet or windy then the service will be held in St Michael and All Angels Church, South Street, Lancing.
If you can bring something to be blessed please let the church know in advance by email stmichaelslancing@gmail.com or telephone 01903 761913.