Whether you are setting up a new business in Worthing or looking to scale up an existing one, you’ll find a range of advice, support and grants which can help you grow.
Covering an area of 32km and with around 3,695 companies, Worthing has strong networks and resources which can support your business.
As a new business we would encourage you to support the local economy and minimise your carbon footprint by sourcing products, services and staff from within the locality.
You’ll find linking in to our friendly business networks will pay dividends when looking for recommendations of suppliers and services.
Check out our Business Ecosystems page for more information on both area wide and sector specific networks.
Within Worthing you’ll also find support for new businesses in the form of grant funding and training opportunities.
For available business grants see Worthing Borough Councils website
For free and impartial government funded business support try the Coast to Capital Growth Hub
You can find more information on Funding and Grant opportunities through the Local Economic Partnership (LEP) – Coast to Capital here
You might also like to link in with the Sussex Innovation Centre who are based at the University of Sussex