Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd is a British, award winning digital thermometer manufacturer, producing digital and infrared thermometers for food service and industry together with dataloggers, moisture meters, humidity and pH meters.
With increasing demand for WiFi and Bluetooth temperature products, ETI has developed a range to meet this market and in 2018 they won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Innovation, their fourth Queen’s Award in six years.
In addition to manufacturing temperature measuring equipment, ETI boasts in-house UKAS accredited calibration laboratories for both temperature and humidity as well as an in-house service department. The business has grown considerably over the last few years, giving ETI a significant increase in sales of temperature measurement devices and related products. ETI has a comprehensive global network of distributors enabling ETI products to be sold worldwide.
Located in Worthing, West Sussex, ETI has three sites situated in Easting Close and Dominion Way. ETI currently employs around 190 people in total and manufactures 70% of the products it sells, the balance being sourced from overseas suppliers. Instruments manufactured in-house come with a full two year guarantee.