Ray Mears returns to Worthing with a brand new show.
We need the Wilderness as much as the Wilderness needs us.
Recently we have learnt to value our green spaces more than ever.
In this fascinating, inspirational, and educational show, Ray will be demonstrating and explaining techniques that will help us improve our senses and highlight the problems nature faces today.
It is time to cease being frustrated and act now to prevent crimes against nature and the environment.
Come and celebrate the importance of the Wilderness to us all.
About Ray Mears:
TV presenter, instructor and bestselling author Ray Mears has become recognised throughout the world as an authority on the subject of bushcraft and survival. TV series including Ray Mears’ Bushcraft, Ray Mears’ World of Survival, Extreme Survival and Ray Mears goes Walkabout have made him a household name over the past two decades, but he has spent his life learning these skills, and founded Woodlore, The School of Wilderness Bushcraft, over 35 years ago.