Since lockdown began, Worthing Storytellers has been sharing its monthly club night live on Zoom, and during that time we’ve connected with tellers and audiences from all around the world. Thanks to the generous help of Worthing Theatres and Museum, we are putting on our very first LIVE-AND-ONLINE integrated event!
Local story-lovers can join us at the Pavilion Atrium, and sip a drink from the bar as they enjoy the in-person experience of traditional storytelling at its best. But for those for whom the journey is…well, a little impractical, come and tune in on our live Zoom gathering from wherever you are, and soak up the live performance atmosphere alongside the rest of our digital audience.
Live and Online, we’re looking forward to sharing traditional storytelling with you!
(Doors open from 7pm. If you are joining us live, please remember to bring a mask as the Pavilion Atrium is observing Covid-safe measures and asks patrons to be masked while moving to and from their seats in the venue. Seating will be carabet style tables, with social distancing and regular sanitizing observed.)