OperaUpClose, in partnership with Manchester Camerata (‘Britain’s most adventurous orchestra’, The Times), presents Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman. Newly re-imagined for our times, poet and novelist Lyn Maxwell’s English libretto with award-winning Laura Bowler’s 8-piece chamber orchestration, depicts an island nation struggling with its identity in a world of displaced people.
This production features recordings of community choirs from across the UK alongside a cast of internationally renowned opera singers and players.
Director Lucy Bradley
Music Director Timothy Burke
Set & Costume Designer Ana Inés Jabares-Pita
Associate Music Director Robin Wallington
OperaUpClose is an ambitious, collaborative touring opera company with an on-going mission to improve the art form’s availability, relevance and reach. They distil the essence of classic operas into new, contemporary, English language works with their own artistic integrity and excellence. To visit OperaUpClose’s website, click HERE.
Manchester Camerata is a registered charity who believes in the transformative and connecting nature of music. To achieve their artistic excellence and forward-thinking ethos, collaboration is at the heart of everything they do. To visit Manchester Camerata’s website, click HERE.
Generously supported by Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grant, Backstage Trust and The Kobler Trust.